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Murcia News from Villaquest

Plus Valia Tax

The plusvalía tax has become a very controversial legal issue when dealing with laws around Spanish real estate. It is a tax which works by taxing the increased value of urban lands when sold. However, the Constitutional Court has declared it should not apply when a property is inherited, donated or when a property is sold at a loss.

In light of the ruling, taxpayers have the right to reclaim any tax that they may have already paid, with the average reclaim value being between €3,000 to €6,000. Therefore, it is always advisable to make an appeal. You can find out exactly how to do this by speaking with your solicitor.

The claim amount depends on the value of the land and could even be much higher as the amount to be paid is not based on the percentage of the profit/loss on the transition of the property (e.g. the sale of a house), rather the “cadastral value” and the amount of years that the property been owned for.

The tax has been paid regardless of whether a profit was made when selling a property and because of this concerns have continued to rise over the years leading to questioning of the legitimacy of the tax.

What is safe to say is that the tax will have been applied on all property sales and even those properties which were donated or inherited.

If you think you are eligible to claim or have any specific questions, arrange an appointment with your solicitor.

Murcia Update


The average price of property in Spain is expected to increase by 6.1% according to the Property Outlook report published recently by the IPE. The National Statistics Institute’s housing price index shows a year-on-year rise of 6.7%, the largest increase since the index was established in 2007.

House prices in Spain have seen four years of consecutive growth and the same pattern is expected to be seen in 2018.

Just ten years ago, property prices in Spain were at their lowest. Prices dropped by up to 50% but in the last four years they have seen growth of more than 20%.

The Spanish economy is currently one of the fastest growing in the EU and the consolidation of the property market in Spain is making the country one of the most attractive places to invest in real estate. Average price rises in the EU and Eurozone are just over 4%. In Q3 of 2017, the top countries enjoyed property price increases of up to 12.3% (Czech Republic) whereas in the worst performing countries, property prices actually fell by almost 1% (Italy).

 Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)

The Spanish government confirmed on the 5th of April that all existing homes in Spain that are for sale or rent, the bulletin released yesterday states in CLAUSE 5A that it is obligatory for all properties advertised for sale or rent should have an EPC. This clause becomes legal from 1st June 2013.

The owner of the home, building, or business premises will be responsible for obtaining and paying for the certificate, which they will need in order to sell or lease their home.


What is an energy certificate?

It is a report that describes how efficient a home is in terms of energy consumption. It assigns an energy rating to each home on a scale which ranges from "A" (the most efficient) to "G" (the least efficient).

Who can issue an energy efficiency certificate?

Our qualified assessors are here to help you through the process.tn News Page EPC rounded corners

Will the technician need to visit the property?

Yes. They have to visit the property to take measurements and collect information about the property before drawing up and certifying the report.

How much is the EPC certificate?

We can get your EPC certificate done and registered no matter what size property you have for just €121.

Who needs an EPC certificate?

All properties that are being sold or rented out (rented or used for more than 4 months per year).

How long is the energy certificate valid for?

The certificate is valid for 10 years. This means owners will not have to obtain a new certificate during this period unless they renovate or change the property in any way.

Will a low rating affect the sale of my home, can I sell it without any problems?

You are free to sell your home. The only way it will affect a sale is how the rating influences the buyer.

If I want to sell my home and it has a poor energy rating, such as D, E or F, am I obliged to make any improvements?

No, you are not obliged to make any improvements even if your property has a low rating.

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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